Sergio Fiorentino Piano Competition


Music | Piano

Date of Event

od 26. 8. 2024 to 28. 8. 2024

Event time

Form of action

In person


Auditorium f.lli Olivieri (Via Dominioni, 1)

Age of participants

to 33 years

Sergio Fiorentino Piano Competition

The Triesis Music Association, under the patronage of the State Conservatory of Music “Guido Cantelli” in Novara, announces the IV Edition of the “Sergio Fiorentino” International Piano Competition.

Organization, programm

The Junior Section of the Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities who have not turned 17 at the start of the competition (26th of September). Candidates related with or who have any constant teaching relationships with one or more members of the jury are not allowed to apply for the Competition. Participation to masterclasses does not imply any exclusion. All travel and accomodation expenses are at the contestants’ charge.

Applying for the Competition implies unconditional adherence to the regulations, both in its general rules and in the specific rules of each section of the Competition.
The Senior Section of the Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities who have not turned 33 at the start of the competition (26th September 2024). Candidates who have any constant teaching relationships with one or more members of the jury are not allowed to apply for the Competition. Participation to masterclasses does not imply any exclusion. All travel and accomodation expenses are at the contestants’ charge. The first 40 applications will be accepted. Applying for the Competition implies unconditional adherence to the regulations, both in its general rules and in the specific rules of each section of the Competition.