3rd Competition "Note di Talento" The Soloist and the Orchestra



Date of Event

od 18. 8. 2024 to 19. 8. 2024

Event time

Form of action

In person


Municipal Theater of Atri

Age of participants

from 1 years to 99 years


60 - 100 EUR

3rd Competition "Note di Talento" The Soloist and the Orchestra

The competition is divided into 3 sections:

Section I – Piano

Section II – Strings (violin, viola, cello, double-bass)

Section III – Winds (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, saxophone)

Candidates from all 3 sections must send a video recording with piano or orchestral accompaniment of one or more movements of the Concerto chosen from the indicated list. The selection of winners will be based solely on the submitted video recordings. The video can be recorded with any digital device (video camera, telephone, computer, iPad, etc.). The final product must be made in full HD digital format (1920×1080). No cuts or modifications of the video are allowed, under penalty of exclusion from the Competition. Performance from memory is not required.

The winners of the Competition, at least 3 for each section, will perform one or more movements of the chosen Concerto with the Symphony Orchestra “Duchi d’Acquaviva” on 18 and 19 August 2024 at the Municipal Theater of Atri as a Prize Concert. Rehearsals with the orchestra will be held in Atri on 17, 18 and 19 August 2024.

Additional Prize Concerts (being defined) will be awarded to the 3 absolute winners (1 per section) proclaimed by the jury in presence, based on the live performances at the conclusion of the Winners’ Concerts. The absolute winner of the Competition will be invited to the “Sibelius Society Italia” in Rome. All winners will receive the relative Diploma.

To participate in the Competition, candidates must send the application form duly completed in all its parts by 18 July 2024 by e-mail to the address info@amicidellamusica2000.it, with the following attachments:

• copy of the candidate’s valid identity document (and of the parent of each minor participant)

• short curriculum vitae

• high-resolution artistic image in *.jpeg format

• copy of the payment of the registration fee of € 100 (€ 60 for participants in the Master Classes of the 25th International Festival “Duchi d’Acquaviva” who have already paid the registration fee for the course) payable to the Association “Amici della Musica 2000,” iban: IT73O0708676750000000301130, swift code: ICRAITRRU60

• link (YouTube or other video sharing sites) to the recent and unedited video recording with the program chosen from the list

The international Juries that will evaluate the video recordings of the auditions are as follows:

Section I – Alessandro Deljavan, Giuliano Mazzoccante, Odile Catelin-Delangle, Maxim Mogilevsky, Nataliya Gonchak

Section II – Oleksandr Semchuk, Ksenia Milas, Antonello Farulli, Valentin Radutiu, Dorin Marc

Section III – Claude Delangle, Gabriele Mirabassi, Raffaele Giannotti, Thomas Hauschild, Alberto Navarra

The Jury may, at its sole discretion, assign Prize Concerts also to other competitors who have distinguished themselves in the selective trials.

The results of the Competition will be communicated by e-mail to all candidates by 25 July 2024 (communications will be sent exclusively to the e-mail address indicated in the application form). All candidates may request detailed feedback from the Jury on their performance.

All winners will have to provide travel expenses; food and accommodation during the stay in Atri will be paid by the organizing association.

By registering for the Competition, the competitors assume the responsibility and commitment to participate in the Concert of the winners and waive their rights to the footage and images taken during the Competition and the assigned Concerts without opposition.

Organization, programm

Section I - A. Deljavan, G. Mazzoccante, O. Catelin-Delangle, M. Mogilevsky, N. Gonchak
Section II - O. Semchuk, K. Milas, A. Farulli, V. Radutiu, D. Marc
Section III - C. Delangle, G. Mirabassi, R. Giannotti, T. Hauschild,